Perfect Peace Isn't Sinful Co-existence

I was examining myself the way a scripture says to. I was wondering why I feel it's right to believe in living right and well in Jesus, even though we know it's very difficult now for very many people to live right and well in Him. After all, Jesus says that when we want to live perfect in Him, persecution is even more in these End Times.

So I worry about some who have been bold in Bible truth, who have wanted to live well and right for Jesus. I worry a little, even though we aren't supposed to.

After all, Heaven leads us to understand, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength." (Isaiah 26:3-4)

Some translations of the Bible say God is an everlasting rock. And I believe those scriptures are true to the Holy Spirit. One of Heaven's servants, David, spent time taking refuge in mountains. Both he and Moses before him, had a strong appreciation for how well faith in Heaven becomes our fortress, our hiding place, our strong tower and rock of refuge.

As I thought of Jesus as like a righteous rock of refuge, I thought of His cross on a high hill. As mountains themselves will move one day, the Savior's cross was temporary. And yet, the strength of what God did for us in Jesus, is forever.

I also remembered the small cross that was put atop a mass burial hill in Haiti following the earthquake in 2010. And I hoped most souls buried there are forever secure in Jesus. I hope we have a one-day meeting in the Spirit rhelm. I can say that, remembering a young girl who passed away after the earthquake. She passed away, even though she was being very faithful, unworried, and brave.

"You will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you."

The Bible also assures us that we're to want to see life become more and more perfect (2 Samuel 22:31, Matthew 5:48) as we near God's plan for "the perfect day," no matter how troubled our today.

... If we have even a little faith, we will all, in Jesus, live more and more perfectly toward that day, a little like that young girl.


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