I Still Love You, Like Jesus
"While it was still night, a messenger of the Lord opened the jail, brought them out, and called them to tell of the new life." (Acts 5:19)
Tomorrow, many people will celebrate not God's love, not love from Heaven, not everlasting goodness, but a kind of affection that can sometimes be not godly at all.
When we were young, many of us understood differences between brotherly/friendship love, healthy spousal love, and agape/church love - all covered by Jesus. But we didn't know there were gray areas that seem like love but aren't. And that's something many of our young people are witnessing now.
Globally, there is a push right now to define love in what the Bible describes as "reprobate" terms. And that just shouldn't be.
If the woman at the well tells us no other lesson, we should at least see from her story, that living together sinfully, for example, isn't God's will.
Nor is being intrusive any kind of love. ... How many times does Jesus say to "knock," to be let in to learn about Him: to knock and be let in, just to seek answers, to learn and ask questions?
... And while on the subject of love, here is a note to someone I don't know:
Don't ever steal anyone's key, to anything.
Look at what happened when a messenger of God loosed Peter from prison a second time (Acts 12:13-17). Herod had slain a disciple before putting Peter into prison; and, when God's angel (messenger) made the way out of that deadly prison situation, Peter went to the home of the slain disciple's mother, where people were gathered in prayer. When Peter knocked at the door to the house, a woman who got up from the prayer meeting to find out who was knocking, forgot to let him in, being excited and shocked that Peter was at the door and not still in prison. And after a little commotion, Peter moved on. For whatever godly reason, he never entered into the gathering, although he had knocked. The prayers that night were probably that Peter wouldn't be killed, but Peter didn't admit himself to the house to celebrate, nor to mourn. Maybe doing so may have put the house in danger.
Giving us discernment, God just loves that way.
... When we really think about it, the New Testament also asks true husbands and wives not to intrude on one another's personal times of study.
And that's love: mature, respectful, loving, love.
Remember, we have a Heavenly Savior who has made so many prayer spaces and dwelling places possible for so many. There isn't a need, in Him, to go knocking down doors!
And if anyone is ever confused about love, just always remember, the love of Heaven "is light." (John 1:6-14, 1 John 1:5)
The "true light" we have in Jesus, the Holy Spirit, searches and knows each heart. He is the light who is able to dwell in each of us. And when He lives in our hearts, what business do we have wanting to do godless things, even in broad daylight?!
So we repent and don't want to sin, even though sometimes, someone may make a mistake.
Something else about godly love: Jesus sets us free in heart, to live for Him - not to sin! (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 1 John 1:6-7, John 5:4) And that's love.
Heavenly love doesn't want a man, woman, anyone to willfully sin (2 Peter 3:9). God even knows who, in church, is already saved ... or isn't saved yet.
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