He Alone Made the Way

What is integrity? Integrity means holding together firmly in all the good, honest, virtuous values that are dear to your hopes. Integrity often also means that other people can see that you are a worthy, useful, sincere person who has worth and who should be able to live in peace, not being hurt, harassed, or disrespected. Integrity can mean sincerely living according to your faith, not being mistreated your whole life. When we have made the decision to be Christian, part of our integrity is honestly believing that Jesus suffered in place of us, long ago on a hill called Calvary, so that we today can walk unashamedly under the covering of His wings. Under the covering of our faith in Jesus, part of our integrity is believing that faith in our Good Shepherd is sufficient to shield us from making terrible mistakes — and is believing His sacrificing Himself is enough in our lives to cover the cost of any good that we are doing together in Him. ... Amen. ... Christian integrity means believing that He alone has made the way.



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