
If anyone ever has wanted refreshing in Jesus, her thirsts have changed from whatever tears the body down, to pure thirsts: clean milk from cattle (for humanity, not so much for cats), not too much honey, purified waters from fresh streams, the unadulterated Bible word — all of which flow from the pure freedom Jesus offered all the world when He gave His life at Calvary. Some may waste all the faith they could have had on what isn't exactly the provision Heaven believed for us to have . When Jesus gave His blood, it was to alter men's appetite for murder among mankind. And don't some men put their own bodies to death through illicit sex, ungodly drugs, and sometimes drunkenness even today? ... I always remember fondly that my grandpa asked me if I drank [alcoholic drinks]. I know he knew the answer (even if it was only sometimes), and that I shouldn't, anymore. That was only one step toward recognizing the salvation Jesus paid for me at Calvary. Some may feel like Jesus...