What is Paradise?
A garden is kept today at a place that represents the tomb where Jesus' body was placed. Yet we have reason to suspect that, like the circumstances of His death, the tomb He borrowed did not make His physical death beautiful, at all. We remember how Jesus cried when he came to the tomb of His earthly friend Lazarus. Jesus knew Lazarus would die and that Heaven would will that Lazarus be raised from the dead; but knowing did not stop God's tears for Lazarus - and did not stop God's tears for His own body, His own Son, later on . It had to have been that Jesus also knew what hell it was to go to the grave back then, to go to the grave before He had made the way to Heaven, before He had taken up the keys to hell, before men knew better than to enter into tombs behind the dead. Before Jesus broke hell's grip from our human lives and deaths, the demon-possessed often occupied and scavenged tombs, desecrating remains. That was the state at least one demon-possessed man wa...