
Showing posts from November, 2023

In His Image

  The Box jelly is the only sea jelly that has eyes that come anywhere close to being like ours; but even given that fact, the box jelly doesn't really see. I'm no scientist. I didn't have high school biology - just a quick course in college. But I have faith. And I know scientists can be foolish like anyone else, sometimes. ** This past September, The New York Times published an almost silly article about a study that's misleading. The headline says, "Brainless Jellyfish Demonstrate Learning Ability." That took me by surprise, because I'd read enough to know that sea jellies, as they're called now, are soulless bundles of nerves. Sea jellies can't be made to chase any prey, can't know the worth of giving birth, have no idea what it means to be blessed with food. Instead, sea jellies lead a life of releasing venomous stingers at bullet-fast speeds any and every time their tentacles touch anything that does not have their exact same chemical bl...

Being Cleansed (Ephesians 5:12)

I've struggled mightily with whether or how to write this post. I don't want to hurt feelings, anymore, of people Heaven has given me a heart for. But there comes this moment when I am brave and need to say something of what needs to be said. This post is about the confusion and practice of evil doing that has grown from the seed of something King David said. David (a man, and a flawed man, not God) made a "covenant" with a friend some time before the friend died a horrible death. That friend was someone who David, before being saved or anointed by God, put in place of a woman's love, the Bible says. David made many spiritual missteps. David's confessed spiritual wrongs, apart from salvation in Jesus, were never without consequence. David lost his first child. A son of David sexually assaulted a daughter. David's kingdom fell. And, long before all of that, David's friend died a terrible death -- and that death was not so that David would live a life o...