
Showing posts from September, 2021

Faith Knows for Sure

When Salvation began to live in me, church hugging was so easy to do. It was only natural to me, to fall onto the shoulders of people who I hoped were in Jesus. But the Bible observes that there's a season for every event in life, and that even seasons of embracing do leave, even when the love of Jesus remains. One problem that makes hugging so uncertain now, isn't the perils of a pandemic, but the wrong expectations and feelings in many hearts. We are living in a season, now, when everywhere from the Internet to church gatherings, we're subject to lustful expectations instead of the kindness in church hugs. And, all too often now, those wrong expectations are being taught as doctrine. "These are the days when men call good evil, and evil good," the Bible says. The Bible's account of David and Jonathan, for example, is being falsely depicted as an expression of Christian love. Even reputable websites, like, have begun to want us to believe on content...