Seek Heaven Instead of Hell
How do we find the Lord again, when He seems so missing in our lives? When I visited a Sunday-school class recently, someone in the class reminded me to read verses, chapters, and even whole books that lead up to a scripture that you're tempted to look at the wrong way. Often, people can tell when someone is looking at a scripture the wrong way, because that someone is looking at the scripture in a way that's contrary to the Holy Spirit: a way that claims the scripture says it's good or okay to do terrible, sickening, wicked things to one another. One such verse appears all by itself as the lead verse in a Sunday-school booklet: "But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean." (Acts 10:28) That's a verse that's often misused, taken by itself. It's not a verse that should ever stand alone. Why not? What Peter is saying is that he realized he didn't have any authority, in the Spirit...