Jesus Made the Way for All We Need for Full Life (2 Peter 1:3, CSB)
Some things are okay in day-to-day living, but are not okay for our table of communion at church. And this is coming from a soul who has seen cornbread and even French baguettes as symbols of Jesus's communion body. Until now, I haven't felt a call to say to a pastor that that is so wrong. I've just walked away discouraged. But I'm going to say this now: I'm someone who feels and feels that the first communion bread, at Jesus's dinner with the disciples the night He was betrayed, was a rolled up slab of flat bread, similar to the big slabs of flatbread still made in parts of the Middle East today - although, I believe Jesus's bread was a darker color than today's Middle Eastern versions; because bread during Jesus's first walk with us, didn't have today's bleaching process but was made of whole, stone-ground wheat. I know and I know it's no coincidence that God had in heart to compare His body to the bread of His "Last Supper." ...