

  "But he answered and said, It is written, [Mankind lives] not by bread alone, but   by every word   that proceeds out of the   of the mouth of God." —  Matthew 4:4 When we each open a Bible, and we prayerfully want peace in heart, with all our soul, we're going to seek God in Jesus; and we're going to do that steadfastly, year after year. We may struggle with one problem or another, but, deep in heart, we never want to abandon the assembling of ourselves together not as tribes but as the body of the church. As His body, we look forward to saying, altogether, that we need everything Jesus finished for us on the cross at Calvary, the running water of His word and His spiritual giving of blood — everything of Him that helps us examine ourselves in heart ( 1 Corinthians 11:28-29 ) and cleanses away our sins. By the way, the symbolic taking of physical bread at Communion is not enough for physical hunger, and it may seem we each are eating of a separate layer of unleaven

A Poem and Prayer for Grace

  I like this scripture image from DailyVerses. It's a comforting reminder that only Heaven knows what seasons ahead will hold, and that we're not to worry nor forget His abundant Grace. What is His Grace? What is Heaven's Grace in Jesus but to understand God is good? To walk in His Grace is not to worry. It's knowing you've been faithful, despite any error in your way. And it's knowing that when the enemy's pattern of diminishing all increase takes our heart to cheerfully place our offerings, God is still good. It's knowing He is blessed and fatherly enough not to reward willful supplanting, although He forgives and makes each step of the way sure (sure of that Grace), no matter how this world may disparage us or see us. Dear Loved One: I'm praying His Grace, the same Grace that shut even the mouths of lions, will ease our way  out of every lie, destructive deed, foul-smelling trick of the enemy, and ill report.

Are We on Mission?

  Part of a cheerful commentary about summer missions , this photo is a beautiful reminder that many parts of the world have mastered walking by faith instead of living by bare eyesight. When Jesus' brother James cautioned a church not to "become judges with evil thoughts," it was because the church had a heart to praise men in fine clothes and to be unkind toward people who might be treated like dirt, dirt kind of like making enemies your footstool. When I first knew Jesus had rescued me from being lost, I realized God had something more in store than how I was living at the time. I didn't realize, at that time, how much Heaven wanted me to learn. I did, however, recognize it was time to part with clothes that were from what I knew in heart was a wretched, lost way of life. I can say that today, because I got saved and had a right heart. I was whole in Jesus for the first time, ever. And I didn't want to wear any reminder of how lost I had been. Instead, I was oh
Our Lighted Path , this blog, is dedicated to Christian understanding. Although this blog was intended to be only scriptural, it may be time now for a departure from scripture commentary -- just to talk about one of many problems parts of the church have struggled to end. The Bible says people perish for lack of knowledge, and that may include, today, some medical or health knowledge. It was more than a decade ago now, when some of our young people began thinking things in error about the HPV vaccine. Too many thought that when parents took them to be vaccinated, or when they were vaccinated more independently, as college students, that was absolute protection against consequences for vices like oral promiscuity. Many are adults now, with children of their own. So it stands to reason that we speak reason to what has become a kind of traditional problem, the kind of tradition Jesus says is "iniquity." But more than Heavenly scolding, we need to air some facts. Anyone who has l

What is Paradise?

  A garden is kept today at a place that represents the tomb where Jesus' body was placed. Yet we have reason to suspect that, like the circumstances of His death, the tomb He borrowed did not make His physical death beautiful, at all. We remember how Jesus cried when he came to the tomb of His earthly friend Lazarus. Jesus knew Lazarus would die and that Heaven would will that Lazarus be raised from the dead; but knowing did not stop God's tears for Lazarus - and did not stop God's tears for His own body, His own Son, later on . It had to have been that Jesus also knew what hell it was to go to the grave back then, to go to the grave before He had made the way to Heaven, before He had taken up the keys to hell, before men knew better than to enter into tombs behind the dead. Before Jesus broke hell's grip from our human lives and deaths, the demon-possessed often occupied and scavenged tombs, desecrating remains. That was the state at least one demon-possessed man wa

Perfect Peace Isn't Sinful Co-existence

I was examining myself the way a scripture says to. I was wondering why I feel it's right to believe in living right and well in Jesus, even though we know it's very difficult now for very many people to live right and well in Him. After all, Jesus says that when we want to live perfect in Him, persecution is even more in these End Times. So I worry about some who have been bold in Bible truth, who have wanted to live well and right for Jesus. I worry a little, even though we aren't supposed to. After all, Heaven leads us to understand, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength." (Isaiah 26:3-4) Some translations of the Bible say God is an everlasting rock. And I believe those scriptures are true to the Holy Spirit. One of Heaven's servants, David, spent time taking refuge in mountains. Both he and Moses before him, had a strong

Teach Them to Love

Teach them to love like Jesus, not abuse!